Yin Yoga Weekend & Training with Tami Hafzalla March 14-16, 2025
Fri 3/14 5:30-8:30p | Sat 3/15 1:30-6:30p | Sun 3/16 1:30-5p | $495
monthly/yearly memberships receive 20% off & non-members pay full price.
Yin Yoga is a quiet, soft and incredibly grounding style of Yoga. The postures are fewer and held for longer periods of time. This practice is profoundly beneficial to the body and mind. Yin is soothing to the nervous system and an exquisite form of self healing.
Yin cultivates the awareness of inner silence, reminding us of our divine essence and connection to universal consciousness. On a physical level, Yin postures apply moderate stress to the connective tissues of the body, mainly fascia, providing nourishing circulation to the joints and increased muscular flexibility.
This weekend will give you the understanding and skills to deepen your practice and confidently teach Yin Yoga to students, friends and family. You will learn Yin Philosophy, physical anatomy, alignment and subtle Anatomy: how the postures correspond to the chakra system, meridian lines, pressure points and organs. Tami will provide you with a training manual.
Each day you will be guided through a nourishing Yin practice. The final practice will include a Healing Sound Bath with Crystal Bowls.
This training is open to anyone wishing to learn new techniques of self inquiry. All are welcome and encouraged to join. You do not need to be a Yoga teacher. Each one of us can share inspiration that comes from an embodied Yoga practice to create a positive vibration in the world.
Read The Seattle Times article about Tami's Yin Yoga classes!
Pranayama: Classical Yogic Breath Training With Tami Hafzalla June 6-8, 2025
Fri 6/6 5:30-8:30pm | Sat 6/7 1:30-6:30p | Sun 6/8 1:30-5p | $495
monthly/yearly memberships receive 20% off & non-members pay full price.
In Sanskrit, Prana means life force or vital energy. According to Yoga philosophy, one way to enhance and receive Prana is through breath. Pranayama are breath techniques delving into the realm of enhancing energy and vitality. By going beyond the physical, you can unlock a multitude of benefits for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Pranayama is an integral part of the Yogic tradition. This in depth study/ training is for those seeking to deepen their understanding and experience of Pranayama, the ancient Yogic art of breath mastery.
This course is ideal for all practitioners of yoga and those aspiring to teach and share the transformative power of the breath and its relevance in modern life.
You will learn more about the body’s subtle energy system including:
- Chakras, Mudras, Vayus, Koshas, Nadis, and Bandhas
- Study of the Respiratory System and Autonomic Nervous System
- Yoga Philosophy Highlighting Pranayama Teachings
- The Benefits of Pranayama Including: Relaxation, Self Regulation, Sleep/ Circadian Rhythm, Physiological and Neurological benefits
- A variety of Pranayama Techniques Including Retentions
- Pranayama as a pathway to stilling the mind and deepening meditative absorption states
- Teaching methodology, designing and integrating within a class, effecitve instruction and cueing
- Safe Practice Guidelines and Contraindications
- Practice Teaching Yoga Asanas for Pranayama
- Pranayama, Breath Awareness and Mindfulness in Daily Life
- Pranayama Postures and Seats of Meditation
Tami will provide materials for this class for your reference.

Yoga Teacher Mentorship Program: Fall 2025
This program is for any human that has completed an initial 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training program and has a desire to teach yoga. It will be open to anyone who has completed a yoga teacher training in any lineage and desires to dive deeper into the art and skill of a yoga teacher. The 50 hour will focus on supporting the teacher individually through one on one feedback and development, self study, and refining the techniques and best practices for teaching public classes.
Receive mentorship from Pranify Yoga teachers Chelsea Murphy and Greta Hill.
A look inside the program:
-Effective Cueing
-Hands on assists
-Skillful sequencing
-Impactful theming
-Business of Yoga with Pranify Yoga Owner, Kylie
-Teaching live public classes at Pranify Yoga
-Access to practicing with Chelsea Murphy and Greta Hill at Pranify Yoga
-Access to online live bonus classes with Greta Hill

200hr Synergy Yoga School Teacher Training at Pranify Yoga October 2025-June 2026
October 2025 - June 2026 (exact weekend dates TBD)
Join Tami Hafzalla and Jodi Boone in their 10th year in offering the Synergy Yoga Teacher Training Program and the 1st time hosted at Pranify Yoga.
This registered Yoga Alliance program offers you a solid foundation in classical Yoga and will provide the skills necessary to pass on the tradition of Yoga in a safe, authentic, and inclusive way so that your teaching is accessible to everyone.
Jodi and Tami's intention is to offer students an experience of real immersion. Being a part of an intentional community, studying and practicing together over a nine-month period will allow you to integrate the essence of the teachings in a very profound way; through your own direct experience and innermost understanding. This is what will lead you to teach authentically – from your own heart and wisdom.
You will study, practice, and learn:
- Yoga asana
- Yoga philosophy through the classical yogic texts, The Yoga Sutra and The Bhagavad Gita
- Pranayama
- Meditation
- Anatomy & physiology
- The art of seeing and hands-on assists
- Prenatal yoga
- Yin yoga
- Ayurvedic philosophy
- Sequencing
- Teaching yoga
- Yogic Ethical Inquiry
Over 9 weekends, as well as weekly on Wednesday evenings online:
Fridays - 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm
Saturdays - 12:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Sundays - 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Wednesdays - 6:15 to 8:15 pm (online)
Early Bird Pricing $3,300 (Regularly $3,600) now through 6/30/25
Click here to pay in full
Click here to pay in 2 payments. Secure your spot with a $1,000 non-refundable deposit.
We request that you have two years of dedicated Yoga practice and a sincere desire to deepen your knowledge and practice. We welcome practitioners that wish to teach in the future, and we also encourage students who may not want to teach but genuinely want to steep themselves in practice and study.