
Kylie Crick
Owner & Teacher
I found my yoga mat for the first time when I was 20 years old as a Junior at Vancouver Island University. As a competitive volleyball player from a very early age my body was trained to perform and strive for excellence. I really believe in the yoga teaching ‘ how you do one thing is how you do everything’ and striving and achieving became a very innate way of being as I moved through my life. To land on the yoga mat and feel the possibility of being versus doing was very foreign yet there was a deep knowing that this was a relationship I wanted to continue to explore to truly meet my potential as a soul in a human experience.
From the first day I landed in Moksha Yoga Nanaimo I knew my life was forever changed. I completed the Moksha Level 1 500 teacher training in the summer of 2008 and this sparked the beginning of a deep love in the seat of the student. Originally from Edmonton, Alberta I was fortunate enough to mentor under Angela Zawada, founder and head teacher of Metta Yoga Edmonton where I really experienced the value of dedicating to a yoga practice and a commitment to continued education. I continued to follow my passion for the practice of yoga and opened Moksha Yoga Kelowna in 2011 and then opened Modo Yoga Seattle in 2014.
I have had the great privilege to have studied with Jessica Robertson, Ted Grand, Dina Tsouluhas, Angela Zawada, Ryan Leier, Baron Baptiste, Bernie Clark, Nicki Doane, Eddie Modestini, Sianna Sherman and Greta Hill. While my original certification is in the Hatha practice of Modo Yoga I am also certified to teach; Modo Flow, Powerflow, Yin, Aerial yoga, Yang Yin, Prenatal and Restorative yoga.
I'm passionate about the fundamental elements on the mat that create a sustainable platform for continual evolution allowing the practice to be accessible to all levels of practitioner. My offering is a balance of Sthira and Sikha; the strength and the sweetness with an encouraging offering to support you in your expansion on your path.
When I'm not practicing, teaching or floating around the studio you can find me riding my bike, beaching it or hiking in the Okanagan Valley.

Teacher & Studio Manager

Victoria Sinopoli
Teacher & Studio Manager
When I was 7 years old I was diagnosed with severe scoliosis. I wore a back brace for 23 hours a day in my teens, I didn’t like being in my body. I was insecure, experiencing chronic pain at a young age. I knew that if I wanted to thrive, I had to make a lifetime commitment to self-discovery and healing. It was a gift because it led me to my practice.
To land on your mat is to make a conscious decision to disconnect from technology and all the stimulants of the outside world, so that you can get quiet and build a relationship with your body, breath and its wisdom. Through this practice, I’ve watched myself and others transform in the most incredible ways physically, emotionally and spiritually.
To me, yoga is a way of life, it is a bridge to mindfulness and cultivating peace. It is the way you listen to others, the way you walk on the earth, the gratitude you find in your breath, the connection to yourself, your community and all of creation. Self-care becomes collective care.
In 2018 I traveled to Nicaragua and immersed myself into 500-hour Modo teacher training so that I could be in service and share this form of healing. I fell in love with studentship again, soon after attending a 100-hour vinyasa training in Montreal.
My offering is to authentically hold space for you to land and explore the inner workings of your body and your needs, using movement, stillness, awareness and loving attention. I offer intentional and accessible guidance with a piece of my heart weaved through. I want to support you in exercising your ability to stay present and to feel empowered on your personal healing journey. My wish is that you leave feeling alive, connected and with tools you can take with you outside of the studio walls.
When I am not teaching, I love spending my time being as close to the earth as possible, growing food, connecting to others, dancing to music, curating intentional spaces, observing and creating art, learning new things. Grateful to be a living, breathing conduit of prana; life force energy and the expression of nature in the human form.

Teacher & Assistant Manager

Kayla Best
Teacher & Assistant Manager
Growing up I raced BMX. After a decade of countless crashes, I was left experiencing pain and resentment towards my body. I could not accept that I was stuck with such limitations at a young age. I had exhausted many other forms of physical therapy with no relief. I resisted when anyone suggested yoga, but finally found my way to my mat.
As I became devoted to my practice, not only did my discomfort dissipate, I felt a peace in my mind that I had never known. I gained a newfound confidence along with more creative inspiration. My behaviour shifted. I was less triggered and more content with myself. The ritual of self care helped me build a new level of discernment that led to me offering myself grace in the process. This created space from which I was able to heal.
My enriched energy and eagerness to dive deeper led me to my first 200hr Mocean flow teacher training in 2018, with Susie Newson. She helped me to break down my barriers and I knew this was only the tip of the iceberg. I was inspired to learn and teach more. I quickly completed a 500hr Modo training in 2019.
As a teacher, I serve as a reminder that the discomfort we feel is an integral part of our growth. I believe that we are not bound by our limitations and that we are all capable of living free. My pain guided me to this practice and this community of epic humans. I wouldn’t change it for anything because it has led me to discover my passion; to contribute to a platform where people can show up and work toward their highest self while I work towards mine. I believe this practice ( and this life ) is sacred but it does not need to be taken so seriously. My ultimate intention is to have fun and enjoy the process of our own evolution. I offer enthusiasm and lighthearted lessons. Creating an atmosphere to nurture your strengths through fun-loving flows, linked with soulful playlists that inspire movement as medicine.
Outside of the studio, you can find me barefoot in nature. I love camping, dancing in costumes at music festivals, gardening and creating art of many forms. Creative expression and celebration is what brings me joy, keeps me inspired and thriving! I am motivated to make the world a more beautiful place.

Teacher & Director

Jane Howell
Teacher & Director
I almost don't know life without yoga. When I reflect back on my life as a young person living in a healthy, happy and loving home - I was often uncomfortable in my body and under-stimulated in the world - looking for magic, craving more from life, disconnected and unhappy with how my body felt and looked. Taking up yoga in my early teens got me breathing and moving - finally engaging and connecting with my body in a positive way and feeling into my lifeforce energy. Pairing the physical practice with spiritual philosophy slowly led me to a place where I could begin to feel an easefullnes in my being, eventually discovering deeper power and beauty within myself.
As an adult my adventurous spirit has taken me exploring across the world, while on a slow but steady inward journey with various styles of yoga, meditation, chanting, breathwork, ceremony and dancing. Balancing a life of sacred scriptures and playful presence - I believe anything is possible. I now see magic within the mundane and open myself to be a channel for source energy to move though. I love to explore the unseen realms with subtle energetics, prayer, sound, shamanic and indigenous healing arts, visualizations, hypnosis, quantum physics and conscious conversation. Ultimately though, the natural world is my greatest teacher, I bow to the intelligence of the plants and the animals - I tune into the whispers on the wind and the reminders in the waves. As a keen student, I am committed to the practice of opening and to listening, as well as laughter and fun.
When we spend time together - my ultimate intention is to guide you, to you - inward towards your own experience and your ability to be in relationship with your own guidance system. I hope for you to remember how to embody all the qualities that feel authentic to you. To BE into your becoming, to listen, heal and feel so you can move in the world from your fearless heart. To remember your unique sacredness - your pure potential, and for you to build your own trusting relationship with all that is so that we can journey from a place of separateness back to oneness. Together I want us to remember the divine state of being in awe and gratitude, for this human experience and for our senses to be alive with the energy of love.


Kelly Day
Yoga invites me into unification with Self. It grants me access to the quiet wellspring of my spirit and reminds me of the wholeness that exists within me. Yoga allows me a safe space to become embodied, to feel expressed and alive, to see all aspects of myself, and come into a quiet acceptance of all the pieces of me. It’s through practice that I can gain access to my deepest intuitive faculties. It’s through practice that I collide with curiosity and self-discovery. It is where I find peace and a space of ultimate freedom.
I first found Yoga in 2009 during a time that felt clouded with confusion and emotional pain. I was seeking guidance and inner healing and after my first class I instantly felt the medicinal value of going inward. Hearing the call to dive deeper into my purpose, I was led to my teacher Megan Currie in 2014 where I took a deep dive into Vinyasa + Anusara yoga. It was in my first training where I found safety in my body and fell in love with the subtleties of our energetic bodies. It was there where I felt the power of movement, prayer, and an access point to the liberation of suffering. Since then, I’ve continued my path of exploration through a 300 hour YTT with Megan Currie, various other trainings through different lineages, mentorship, and workshops. I believe that life is cyclical in nature and the work is never done. This consistent curiosity feeds my devotion towards studentship, humility, and living with an open mind and heart.
My Sankalpa or sacred intention is “I lead through truth and love”. In my classes, I am to create a space where others can come feel supported and held, so that they may come into their most authentic, embodied selves. I do this by honoring what is present in the moment, sharing the truths of my heart, and holding space for others to access theirs. In my classes, you can expect depth, reverence, intelligent movement, and a great playlist!
Aside from my Yoga practice, I feel most vital when I am finding expression through dance or sharing music and celebration with friends! I also love nerding out on books and podcasts, exploring in nature, and cooking nourishing meals!


Robi McKenna
Yoga has helped me deal with the injuries of heart, body, mind and soul and helped me embrace the trials of human existence. I practice yoga regularly so that I can better feel and experience every aspect of my life, the good but also the perceived bad. I practice yoga regularly so that my body remains healthy and strong enough to play with my daughter and so my mind remains present and calm to navigate my family through the chaotic streams of modern life.
Deepening my yoga investigation has brought me through modo, modo flow, modo prenatal, modo level 2, yin, and sivananda certifications and even 8 years of leading lectures and workshops at yoga teacher trainings across the world.
My ultimate sankalpa or intention is Moksha, liberation but not liberation from life rather liberation IN life. Rather not a disconnection from everything but a deep integrated connection with everything. I try to connect my students with this by offering a fun, celebratory vigorous class that utilizes the harmony of the body and the breath.
When I’m not practicing or teaching yoga at Pranify I try to spend all my free time with my wife and daughter, they’re the double suns in the solar system acting as beacons of light on everything in their orbit. My yoga practice and teaching is fueled by them and all my interactions with them is inspired by my yoga practice and teaching.


Wendi Dale
Yoga, to me, is a design for living. It's my commitment to growth & staying engaged with the Joys & Challenges that come with being Human. Beyond the physical practice lays a foundation of social ethics & personal observances which has helped me become more intentional & curious, to be thoughtful & proactive in everything I do (specially when it comes to raising my daughter) continuously pulling myself back to presence & Love over & over again, like breathing.
In 2013 I took my first 500 hour ‘Yoga Teacher Training’ with Modo formally known as ‘Moksha’ meaning ‘liberation or freedom’ in Sanskrit. This training was life changing, ultimately opening up an endless invitation of self exploration. I’ve since sat & learned with several fairly epic teachers including; Flow training with Dina T , Yin Yoga training with Bernie Clark & Nicki Doane’s Maya yoga training level 1 lineage of Ashtanga & Iyengar yoga which really gave me the importance of true foundation & individualized attention.
My Ultimate Intention (Sankalpa) is LOVE ~ more love always. My intention is to create a space for your inner gangster to come to the surface with the assistance of a carefully curated playlist linking breath to movement, honouring each day as a new day with new abilities. To show you where to look, not what to see, while holding all the space for you to have your individual experience. I encourage each & every body to meet yourself in today's body ~ as we arrive each day a little different then yesterday. I often will read poetry or scriptures from books on the yamas & niyamas to help provoke all your senses in hopes to restore the entire nervous system.
Aside from my physical practice ~ I feel the most lit up when I’m in nature with my daughter and her community of homeschoolers/unschoolers. Its really soul filling to be in the middle of it all watching the children be children ~ if you want the kids to stop jumping off the walls ~ remove the walls. I feel rich in community & soul family. I'm so blessed to walk this path alongside such incredible heart led humans. And finally Music is life for me. If you know me or have been to my classes ~ you will know.
See you there.


Chris Law
Being able to set aside time to breathe and heal has become a crucial part of my life. A moving meditation you could say, where we can combine all the greatest parts of who we are and who we aspire to be. Following ancient methods of healing has helped me with the physical and emotional pain that I had been carrying with me most of my life.
My practice started years ago while traveling to India, but it wasn't until 2018 where everything aligned just right and I was able to take my first teacher training. This intensive 500HR training in the jungle of Nicaragua changed my life by bringing some much needed confidence that I was searching for. Shortly after in 2019 I traveled to Montreal where I practiced the art of vinyasa flow which was an intensive 100HR training.
I am able to stay inspired through my students. I love being in service to the community and knowing that I have the ability to make even the smallest difference in this world brings me joy. Yoga has the ability to heal the mind and body naturally which is a beautiful thing and magical! Ultimately I would love for my students to find peace and balance throughout their day to day life. I believe the more we are able to help ourselves, the better the world ultimately becomes. I now live the life that I was dreaming of not that long ago… growing food, gathering in community, relaxing in the sunshine. All these things remind me of just how blessed I really am!
Sending love and light dear ones and excited to meet you on the mat.


Brandace Yax
Yoga has not only been a guidance through life for me but a large savour of balancing my mindset and emotions. It has helped me with a numerous amount of realizations and growth within me. To me yoga isn’t just a sequence of poses, it’s much more. It is an in-depth practice that allows you to disconnect from the ego, open up the mindset to becoming closer to finding your true soul purpose.
Yoga has always been something I had resorted to whenever I felt unbalanced and needed to be more rooted. I started yoga when I was in high school, it became an interest aside from dancing. Over the years I continued to practice, even when I would fall out of practice, I always resorted back to it. Teacher training had always been on my mind, last year in 2021 I finally decided now is the time to take my 200hr Yoga Training with Modo Yoga. I am so grateful to be able to come to class and not only guide students through the Modo sequence but to lead them towards their own strength that lies within them. To inspire them to really see what’s beneath the surface of their own body. I will continue to educate myself with workshops and trainings that will expand my knowledge that I bring into the studio with each class I teach.
A beautiful sankapala that has always guided me “when we align with our soul, we find peace, purpose and power”.
Outside of the studio the most vital things to me are reading self-help/wellness books, being outside in nature embracing what this world has to offer, as well as writing poems and quotes.


Dana Skoglund
My favorite definition of yoga came from my first Sanskrit teacher, Menorama. She said, “Yoga is the state of missing nothing.” I love the idea of yoga as bringing us back to a state of wholeness and enough-ness. To me, yoga is embracing the full spectrum of our human experience - even the parts we don’t like. It’s learning how to deal with the ups and downs from a place of acceptance. It’s about using the challenges of life to get to know myself better.
My yoga journey began when I was living in NYC. My husband suggested I try the yoga studio Jivamukti that was above his gym. From the first class, I was hooked. A few years later, in 2004, I took their 800 hour advanced certification and have not stopped learning since. I did another 200+ hours in Anusara training and explored yoga therapeutics. My path eventually led to Ayurveda and I’ve been an Ayurvedic lifestyle coach since 2014.
Growth is a core value and is reflected in my ongoing commitment to learning. I’m always reading several books at once and studying under the best teachers I can find which keeps me inspired.
One of the biggest gifts of the asana practice is that it helps you get out of your mind and into your body. In my class I give specific alignment instructions and ongoing reminders to stay in your embodied experience, to check in, and most importantly to honor yourself.
I’ve been living the Ayurvedic lifestyle for the last 10 years which has helped me take my yoga off the mat and into my daily routines. I’ve coached hundreds of women into this “art of living” since 2013 in my group health coaching program Align & Thrive.


Heather Ritcey
I first discovered yoga in my 20’s when I found myself yearning for more creative movement within my life. Growing up with dance as a core part of my childhood, I found myself deeply missing movement mixed with expression within my body as an adult. Little did I realize that what started as a purely physical practice for me, would soon lead me down a path that initiated deep healing and transformation within myself, and ultimately my life. Allowing my body to move through different asanas has been potent medicine for me. The medicine of remembrance; a coming home to my body- through my breath.
Unknowingly seeking guidance on the path forward in my life, I was led by Spirit to Nicaragua in 2020 to deepen my relationship with yoga and complete my teacher training. What started as an outward exploration into the jungle, quickly shifted to one of introspection and self study. For me, teaching has been a humbling practice of getting out of my own way. I cherish the time I spend with students and am so grateful to be a part of this ever-evolving community.
It is my intention to be authentic and raw in my teachings. I hope that by showing up vulnerably in all of my humanness, that I can create a space where others feel safe to do the same. Being a student of yoga has truly been one of the greatest gifts I have been given in this lifetime. Being of service in my teaching sparks joy within every fiber of my being. Each time I land on my mat, I am reminded of our interconnectedness, our collective desire to feel whole, and to feel peace and ease within our bodies. The Universe is always guiding us towards our highest potential, and I believe that in essence yoga does just that.
Aside from being at the studio, I feel most vital when creating authentic connections with other souls, being in nature with my puppies, and taking a cold, lake dip during the winter months.
Excited to connect with you. Grow with you. Learn with you. And practice alongside you!
Stephanie Rottacker
To me yoga is a practice, not a perfect. It’s a way to deepen my mind/body connection as I continue to explore and express the light and darkness within myself.
Yoga found me when I injured my back heavy lifting in my early 20’s, and was crippled with sciatic pain. For 15 years I used yoga as a way to manage my discomfort. In 2018 my life and commitment to yoga changed completely after taking a 5 day intensive training in Lake Country with Eddie Modestini and Kristin Bosteels doing a “yoga on the inside '' workshop. It was my first glimpse into how amazing a deep yogic practice can change every facet of your life. In 2019 I completed my 200 hour YTT with both Eddie and Kristin. In 2021 I finished an additional 100 hour YTT on yoga fundamentals with Nicki Doane through Maya Yoga Studio, and continue to study with both Nicki and Eddie.
I feel the most alive when I am connected to nature, community, movement, and the earth. You can find me on the mountain top, in or on the water, spending time with friends and family, running my agritourism property, taking care of my animals, and traveling the countryside!
“You are stronger than you think you are”
It is my intention to help students realize their highest potential, pushing and softening through all their preconceived limitations. Yoga is for every ‘body’. I want my students to feel safe, and aligned in their mind, body and spirit throughout the asana practice. See you on the mat.


Brittany Skusek
I believe we are all here on this Earth to help each other, and I am committed to empowering others to stand in their highest light, embodying the fullest expression of themselves.
The real Yoga is on the inside, in the internal landscape of the human body. And by intentionally calming the body and quieting the mind, we are able to tap into areas of our BE-ing that can greatly support us through our lives and help us navigate the world with more ease, grace and love.
It is through conscious, mindful practices and full body awareness, that we are able to dive into opening new connections in our body.
I was called to yoga in 2010 after a car accident as a way to heal my body, and soon realized this practice was so much more. Yoga has changed my life, and this practice continues to help me dive into areas of myself, bringing me into deeper alignment with my body, mind and spirit.
I am here to guide you through movement practices that support a strong structural alignment, with emphasis on breath and the breath/body connection. I offer classes ranging from a Calming Yin and Restorative Yoga, to a more energetic Vinyasa Flow.
I also like to integrate chanting, breathwork and meditation and mindfulness practices into my classes.
When I'm not on the mat you'll find me exploring the outdoors, hiking, dancing and learning something new!
We are in these human bodies for a lifetime, and I believe in staying willing and curious to continually meet yourself in new ways.
I look forward to meeting you on the mat!


Katlyn Dawn
The first yoga class I took in 2007 brought me into an instant knowing that it was a path I was meant to spend my life exploring. Yoga took me by the hand those first years and walked with me through divorce, death, birth, moving provinces and navigating motherhood. Yoga has gifted me the tools to create the kind of life most aligned with my essence and navigate the shadow aspects that arise.
I began my teacher training journey in 2010 in Alberta, Canada in Baptiste Power Flow and later completed my 500 hr through Hali McQuillan and Rhoni Straub of Multi Style Yoga in Costa Rica covering Hatha, Yin and Restorative. In 2012 I dove into a year long intensive training for Pilates under Noam Gagnon and then continued to work full time as a physiotherapist assistant for 7 years bridging my experience from both yoga and pilates. During these years there were continuous workshops and training that I attended through physiotherapists, chiropractors, pilates and yoga teachers.
From 2015-2019 I assisted Multistyle Yoga teacher training in Costa Rica and co-facilitated Pilates teacher training through Neumovement in Kelowna BC.
Recent training I’ve taken since 2020 have been Yoga Nidra through Jana Roemer, Embodied Yin and Reformer Flow through Satu Tuomela and Trauma Informed Teaching through SoulWork.
In 2020 I opened Studio Anahata, a fully equipped pilates home studio. I work with students one on one in a large range of offerings from physical rehab to cross training professional athletes as well as teacher mentoring.
The intention through my teaching is to hold a space and practice for discovery within our bodies that brings us back to our personal truth and expression. I weave challenges through functional movement to strengthen neural pathways and to practice how we can show up in the uncomfortable, how to regulate our nervous systems and how to deepen our love and gratitude for our existence and the web of life we collaborate with. My classes focus on alignment and isolated activations with creative sequencing and fluid transitions.
Aside from yoga and my movement practices, I love to be near trees and large bodies of water and feel the sun on my skin. I love to feel music in my body and be around people dear to me and all the animals. I could be called an extroverted introvert and thrive having a balance of alone time.


Jenn Pike
Jenn Pike is a Functional Medicine Diagnostic Nutritionist, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and Medical Exercise Specialist.
She specializes in women’s health and hormones and is the founder of the global and revolutionary women’s health programs The Hormone Project and Synced, and the host of The Simplicity Sessions podcast.
She has been teaching fitness, yoga, pilates, barre and fascial movement for more than 20 years.
Her style is eclectic and rooted in education and amazing playlists.
When you move with Jenn on the mat you will feel more than just your muscles and breath, you will learn so much about your own body and how powerfully connected you truly are
If you're craving a practice that helps you build strength, stability and synergy than her Fusion class is for you!


Ali Mo
For me yoga is the light at the end of the tunnel, I was in a dark place, I was going through a divorce, experiencing depression and not knowing where to go and what to do with my life.
I was introduced to hot yoga back in 2006, due to some knee and hip injuries. My first yoga class was Bikram hot yoga, I almost died in that class, it was so hot and challenging, but deep down I knew this was for me, it was love at first sight.
As I continued practicing the asana (yoga postures) on a daily basis I started noticing the benefits of yoga healing physically and mentally.
My first teacher training was in 2011 I did my Rocket training base on Ashtanga (power flow), Then in 2015 I went to Modo yoga teacher training in Nicaragua, and Yin teacher training in 2019 Edmonton.
My ultimate intention is bringing awareness to breath throughout the asanas movement and finding peace and love within oneself.
Aside my yoga practice, I enjoy all outdoor activities hiking, paddle boarding, camping and road trips.
I would like to share one of my favourite quotes.
Drop the idea of becoming someone,
because you are already a masterpiece.
You cannot be improved. You have
only to come to it, to know it, to realize it.
~ Osho


Emilie Mann
Yoga to me which was once just an anatomical practice prescribed for physical therapy became strong medicine for my heart, mind, and spirit.
Yoga is a practice that brings me back to self. It is a platform for growth, comfort, connection to self, and connection to community. It is a platform where I have learned that my deepest struggle and grief can be felt then massaged and reformed into creativity, expression, and joy.
My practice is where I can come home to my most honest self and truly experience this gift of life.
I’m from Fernie BC, a small mountain town where the mountains were our playground and we pushed our bodies daily to the limit. I was prescribed yoga for balance to support my love for trail running. I quickly learned how important this practice was for far more than just its physical benefit and I wanted to share that with others. I took my teacher training under guidance of Francesca ter Poorten at Essential Yoga in Fernie BC. I have been a dedicated student and teacher over the past 8 years between studios in Fernie, Kelowna, and Calgary. I love that my journey in this practice still feels like it has only begun.
Ultimately, when I teach I want my students to feel that they have a safe space to move, breathe, feel, and create. Everyone who comes to their mat has such an individual and unique story, and therefore a unique practice. I want each student to feel that they can come exactly as they are and leave their mat feeling a positive shift. I also LOVE it when we can all share a laugh and inspire one another.
Aside from my practice in-studio, I feel most vital when I am trail running or mountain biking. Movement while surrounded by nature makes me feel full, strong, and that the experiences in our lifetime can be limitless when we choose joy.


I've been deeply changed by yoga since 2013, when I first met this practice while living in Coimbra, Portugal. Gradually, I began to study this ancient wisdom and deepen my involvement in Shaktism and Tantric studies, and they got me to do trainings and workshops in different parts of our planet. My personal change supported by this ancestral technology contributed to the decision to become an instructor as well.
I have been a tantra yoga instructor and meditation guide since 2017, having completed my first instructor training in Brazil with Dada Nihar Sakar, an Indian professor born in India and raised to be a yoga guru. I've also had the opportunity to study Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra in Laughing Lotus in San Francisco in 2019. I've also studied Shakti Tantra Yoga with the masters Claudio Fernandez (Argentina) and Ana Power (Brazil) during 2020. I've also been initiated in the Vipassana Meditation Course in Merritt (2019).
During my classes, you will find the invitation to surrender to the deep Yin force, the creative container of all memories from our infinite past and all the possibilities to be created.
I invite everyone to come back with me to the bones, to this life, to this Earth, and to our dimension through kindness, slow movements, and deep breaths.


Michelle Blackford
Yoga saved my life. I know that might seem dramatic, but in the darkest and hardest times in my life, my practice has always been there for me. When the world feels heavy, unsure and out of control I have found profound comfort in yoga. It’s so magical that something as simple as breathing has helped change my life. I feel so centred and grateful when I practice. The asanas and the movement of yoga are always a powerful reminder of how lucky I am to be alive and have a healthy, beautiful, strong body. Yoking and connecting moments with breath has helped calm my mind and provides me with uplifting energy to get out of my own way.
As a practitioner I hope to share this deep gratitude for yoga with as many people as possible. Feeling good, and making time and space in people’s busy lives to come together to share ourselves in practice is a beautiful thing. I feel so fortunate to have such an enchanting and nurturing space at Pranify to teach and be taught.


Tena Brass
My yoga practice was born from a need for a lifestyle change. A change from the craziness of the Emergency Room, endless night shifts, and a vampire lifestyle. I was seeking balance, and I found it in my yoga practice.
Breath is life. Bottom line. My intention is for everyone to feel empowered to just simply breathe. There's always time, whether it's in a yoga class, or in life, to take a breath. Breath stops time and opens up space for you to soften wherever you find yourself in this life.
My pursuit of Metta - loving kindness - fuels my inspiration to find the hidden gems in all of life's ups and downs. Being grateful for the little things can positively impact the world in a big way.
I have a passion and a deep appreciation for delicious food. You'll find me thriving outdoors, soaking up as much sun, on as many beaches as I possibly can around the globe! I am humbled by many attempts to surf the ever elusive green wave. I am complete when sharing my love of laughter with my beautiful family and friends. And always leading with breath.


Aspen Percival
My greatest joy in life is supporting others in experiencing new levels of vitality, love and aliveness.
I have always found great joy in exploring athletics, from team sports to mountain sports and many endeavours in-between, I have found the challenge, vigor and primal exhilaration enlivening. As I dove into the world of yoga, I fell in love with the exploration of movement, breathe, rhythm and flow. For me, yoga is all about being present, aware and open to learning what my body-mind has to teach me. I believe our learning is never done and we are all a work in progress. My greatest gift as a yoga teacher, has been to hold space for others to cultivate more presence, harmony and gratitude while on and off the mat. I am passionate about learning, growing and connecting with others and am always happy to discuss the latest art and science of health, yoga, food as medicine, sensuality and more!
My mission to support others continues to expand beyond yoga, I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with a special passion for supporting women in cultivating a deeper connection with their wild feminine to blossom into their most radiant selves through Integrative Pelvic Therapy and intimacy coaching. I am Chief Medical Officer and co-founder of V-Metrics: The Health Creation Lab. V-Metrics provides the system, personal assessments and guidance for all who are interested in improving their vitality, joy, and quality of life.
I hold deep reverence for the beauty of nature, and make it a priority to spend ample time in the mountains, forests, lakes and rivers, soaking up all our precious Mother Earth has to teach me.
I am honoured to be a part of your experience at Pranify, and looking forward to personally connecting with each of you!


Jen Newman
I believe through the practice of yoga we can develop self-awareness, acceptance, loving kindness and compassion; on and off the mat. We can bridge the gap between surviving and thriving by cultivating optimal wellness, wholeness and personal agency. I was first drawn to yoga as cross-training for elite sport, but soon realized it was so much more than a movement practice. I’ve been evolving my personal practice for over 20 years, and I keep returning to teaching because of my passion for sharing yoga as a healing art and a lifestyle. My classes focus on mindfulness, coordinating movement with breath, cuing correct alignment, and balancing effort with ease. I love crafting creative sequencing that is choreographed to uplifting music.


Shonna Lamb
Sankalpa for teaching and also her life: "If we are practicing openly and honestly, everything that arises makes us feel more ordinary, more normal, more like ourselves." - Richard Freeman
Though she dabbled with yoga and meditation in her teens, Shonna found yoga with devotion when her beautiful son was 7 years old and her heart had been molded into that of a mother.
Her gateway discipline was Bikram Yoga. It felt revolutionary to be cued through 90 minutes of moving meditation where she could "take her hands off the wheel". As a mother and a householder, the world weight lifted off her obsessively controlling shoulders for what felt like the first time in ages. It was love at first opening pranayama and she hasn't looked back.
Since then, Shonna's trained in Ashtanga and Rocket Vinyasa, Hatha-based Anusara, Samkhya Philosophy and Meditation, Breathwork and Yoga Nidra. Shonna is the Founding Director of Agni Yoga School (est. 2020) and facilitates 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Trainings, Meditation TT's and Yoga Nidra TT's.
Since 2018, Shonna has been teaching yoga and meditation in specialized groups including cancer care, hospice, alternative high schools, addiction recovery and as part of clinical trials with the University of Lethbridge Social Epidemiology in Action Lab. It's within those settings where she also does work as a Death Doula and Reiki Practitioner.
With over 3,000 teaching hours under her belt so far, she continues to be drawn to alignment-based principles, challenging asana, autonomy and the lore of yogic philosophy.
In the 600 hours a year she gets to spend in yoga communities, the common denominator that she is left in awe of is the human spirit.
To feel vital and alive, Shonna likes to read, laugh, bike, frolic with friends and get tattoos from her beautiful (now adult) son, Nolan.


Bre Elrick
To me, Yoga is the practice of coming back to myself. Throughout my life, I’ve experienced periods of darkness that disconnected and disregulated me from my sense of self, leaving my mental and physical health in distress. In 2017, this practice became a true pillar of my stability. It goes far beyond my mat; it colours my whole life with this beautiful understanding of my entire being. In Asana (yoga postures) we can step up to our edge and find ease in discomfort through slowing down our breath, calming our mind and building our physical and mental strength. I believe that taking this off our mats and into our everyday lives is truly where the yoga practice begins. When we embody the yoga on our mats, we engrave it into our entire nervous system allowing us to walk through life armed with the tools of awareness.
In early 2021, I took my 200hr YTT based in Baptiste Power Flow with Soul Fire Power Yoga. I quickly learned that this is so much more than moving our bodies and breathing, but a way to embrace the evolution that comes with sitting in discomfort when we pause, look within, relax with what is and surrender. In fall of 2022, I started the journey of Yoga Therapy with Yoga Life Institute, gaining 300 hrs of intensive training. I learned more of the ways in which the deep roots of Yoga Philosophy can be weaved into one’s life, encouraging overall wellness and quality of life through personalized practices.
My sankalpa (intention) is to create a space for you to explore your own journey back to yourself. I strive to empower your evolution through mindful breath and movement. Incorporating the connection between what we do on our mats and how we can take it with us throughout our day to day. My hope is that you leave my class with a deeper understanding of your body, your mind, and your energy.
Outside of the studio, you will typically find me outdoors. I love camping, hiking, spending time with the trees and exploring the beauty of nature. Music and dance are a form of my medicine, I am often going to concerts and festivals. I find expression through creativity in various art forms. I strive to embody freedom and joy through experiencing life alongside my friends and family.


Stephanie Ponzini
Yoga came into my life during a challenging transitional period. It rapidly became my reset button, my shield to the afflictions of everyday life, and I have never looked back. Through a consistent practice I now have continuously improving physical and mental health, a self-awareness I never thought possible, and ultimately a true love for myself.
In 2023 I completed a 200 hour yoga teacher training through Pranify, after being given the opportunity to study under key members of our yogic community here in Kelowna. I have also completed a 50 hour Yin yoga training and another 300 hour training rooted in Anusara/Hatha yoga.
My intention with every class is simply to share what I have found through yoga, and to assist each person who enters the studio in exploring what yoga could mean to them. I'm honoured to be part of the Pranify team, and look forward to growing alongside all of the amazing humans here."